Variant caller benchmark

Inside daisy’s task library are some common tools used for variant calling. The following guide shows how to install daisy and run a variant-caller benchmark on publicly available data. It starts from scratch, though you will have to have installed a conda environment.


We start by creating a conda environment and installing daisy:

conda create -y -n daisy python=3.6 matplotlib
pip install cgatcore
pip install cgat-daisy
conda install ruamel_yaml pysam


We use a pip install until conda packages is available and are up-to-date.

Next, we install a few variant callers (freebayes, octopus and bcftools) and variant metrics that we want to test:

conda install -y -c bioconda freebayes octopus bcftools samtools bedtools

All of these have already been wrapped in daisy’s Task Library and are ready to be used. Next, we download the aligned exome sequencing data of the NA12878. We will only use chromosome 20 to avoid downloading the whole file (26Gb):

samtools view -h 20 | samtools view -bS > NA12878.bam
samtools index NA12878.bam

For variant calling, we will also need the reference genome sequence:

gunzip hs37d5.fa

Running the benchmarks

Create a benchmark.yml file:

title : >-
  Benchmarking variant callers on NA12878 exome data

description: >-
  This benchmark calls short variants on NA12878 exome data
  evaluates the results by comparison against a truth data set
  (Genomes in a Bottle, NA12878).

  - SNV calling
  - NA12878

  # we will uload results to a local sqlite database
  url: sqlite:///./csvdb

  suffix: vcf.gz

    - bcftools
    - freebayes
    - octopus

    - bcftools_stats

  reference_fasta: hs37d5.fa

    - NA12878.bam

  options: --format-fields GQ,GP --multiallelic-caller

  options: --fasta-ref hs37d5.fa --apply-filters "PASS,."
  # apply a hard filter to freebayes output
      filter_exclude: "FORMAT/GT == '.' || INFO/DP < 5 || QUAL < 20"

Now run the benchmark:

daisy run -v 5 make all

You can now upload the results to the database:

daisy run -v 5 make upload

This will organize the metric data into an sqlite database. To get the number of variants called, you can query the database:

sqlite3 -header -csv csvdb "select i.tool_name, m.key, m.value
        FROM bcftools_stats_summary_numbers AS m, instance AS i
        WHERE = m.instance_id AND key='number_of_SNPs' "

which will produce the following output:

tool_name key value
bcftools number_of_SNPs 14454
freebayes number_of_SNPs 2308
octopus number_of_SNPs 9386

Note that such tables can be easily obtained within pandas and used for plotting. For example, the following small python snippet:

import pandas
import sqlalchemy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

database = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///./csvdb")
df = pandas.read_sql(
    "SELECT i.tool_name, m.key, m.value "
    "FROM bcftools_stats_summary_numbers AS m, instance AS i "
    "WHERE = m.instance_id AND key='number_of_SNPs' ", database).set_index("tool_name")

will create the following figure:


Adding another metric

For a proper variant caller comparison, we should compare against a gold standard of variant calls for our data set. This is available from the NIST/Genome in a bottle initiative:


Because this is an exome data set, we restrict the high-confidence regions to captured regions:

bedtools genomecov -ibam NA12878.bam -bg | awk '$4 >= 10 ' | bedtools merge -d 10 -i stdin | bgzip > high_coverage_regions.bed.gz
bedtools intersect -a HG001_GRCh37_GIAB_highconf_CG-IllFB-IllGATKHC-Ion-10X-SOLID_CHROM1-X_v.3.3.2_highconf_nosomaticdel.bed -b high_coverage_regions.bed.gz | bedtools sort | bgzip > callable_regions.bed.gz
tabix -p bed callable_regions.bed.gz

For the comparison, we will use the vcfeval tool from RealTimeGenomics:

conda install -c bioconda rtg-tools

The toolkit requires its specially formatted reference sequence:

rtg RTG_MEM=16G format -o hs37d5.sdf hs37d5.fa

Now we can amend our benchmark.yml file by adding the rtg_vcfeval metric to the metrics section:

  - bcftools_stats
  - rtg_vcfeval

The RTG vcfeval tool requires a bit of configuration, so we add the following to benchmark.yml:

  path: rtg RTG_MEM=16G
  map_unknown_genotypes_to_reference: 1
  reference_sdf: hs37d5.sdf
  reference_vcf: HG001_GRCh37_GIAB_highconf_CG-IllFB-IllGATKHC-Ion-10X-SOLID_CHROM1-X_v.3.3.2_highconf_PGandRTGphasetransfer.vcf.gz
  callable_bed: callable_regions.bed.gz
  options: --sample=HG001,NA12878 --ref-overlap

We re-run our benchmark:

daisy run -v 5 make all

Note that the variant callers are not re-run, but only additional metrics are computed. Behind the scenes, daisy builds a ruffus workflow which means only tasks that are not up-to-date will be executed. After uploading:

daisy run -v 5 make all

We now have false positive rates and false negative rates in our table:

s3 csvdb "select i.tool_name, m.* from rtg_vcfeval AS m, instance AS i where = m.instance_id "
tool_name threshold true_positive_baseline true_positive_count false_positive_count false_negative_count false_discovery_rate false_negative_rate f_measure instance_id
bcftools 12.000 1542 1542 63 103 0.0393 0.0626 0.9489 4
bcftools None 1544 1544 67 101 0.0416 0.0614 0.9484 4
freebayes None 1607 1586 167 38 0.0953 0.0231 0.9394 5
octopus 5.000 1518 1518 25 127 0.0162 0.0772 0.9523 6
octopus None 1518 1518 26 127 0.0168 0.0772 0.952 6

Next steps

The following are some advanced features not covered in this tutorial:

  • Running on multiple data sets within the same benchmark.
  • Aggregation of data sets, for example for trio analysis.
  • Running time-series analysis for monitoring tool performance.