
Creating a task

This tutorial shows how to add a new task into the Task Library so that it can be executed as part of a workflow vi :doc:`tools/run or as a stand-alone task via run-task

To put it quite simply, a task is a wrapper class around a command line statement. There are two types of tasks within the task library that have slightly different signatures. The simplest is a metric that takes one input file and outputs one output file in tsv format. To add a task, simply create a new file called MyTask.py inside the TaskLibrary directory within the repository:

import daisy.Pipeline as P
from .MetricRunner import MetricRunner

class run_metric_filestat(MetricRunner):
    name = "filestat"
    path = "stat"

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):
        return P.run("{params.path} --printf='filename\\tsize\\n%%n\\t%%s\\n' "
                     "{infile} > {outfile}".format(**locals()))

The metric will be auto-discovered.