Task Library

Tasks are python functors and are defined in the TaskLibrary sub-package within the Benchmark distribution. Functors follow the naming convention

for a task running a tool called xyz
for a metric running a tool called xyz

Tools and metrics are auto-discovered by the package, hence the requirement of a naming convention.

Tools and metrics are organised in a class hierarchy that is rooted at the class Runner. Immediately derived from these are ToolRunner and MetricRunner. User defined tasks should be derived from the latter these.

The base classes take care of interfacing with the benchmark system such as collecting dependencies and runtime statistics. A tool- or metric-runner should implement a run() method. The principal difference between a tool and metric is the call interface for the run() method.

A tool expects two arguments outfile and params, which are the output file name and a parameter dictionary. The input file names are part of the parameter dictionary and can be referred to by name. The expected names are listed in a class attribute, for example:

class run_tool_listdir(outfile, params):
    expected = ["directory"]
    path = "ls"

    def run(self, outfile, params):
        return P.run("{params.path} -1 {params.directory} "
        "> {outfile}".format(**locals()))

A metric expects three arguments, outfile and params as before, but also an input file name, for example:

class run_metric_count(infile, outfile, params):
    path = "wc"

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):
        return P.run("{params.path} -l {infile} "
        "> {outfile}".format(**locals()))

The distinction exists because the input for tools are files outside the workflow and static, while the input for a metric are files that are created within the workflow and are thus dynamically generated.

Both metric and tool should return the value of the run() call, which contains runtime information such as the time to execute the command and the host name.

Parameterisation of tasks

A task can be parameterised by defining member variables in the task runner:

class run_metric_count(infile, outfile, params):
    path = "wc"
    counting_method = "lines"

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):

        if params.counting_method == "lines":
            opt = "-l"
        elif params.counting_method == "chars":
            opt = "-c"
            raise ValueError("unknown counting method")

        return P.run("{params.path} {opt} {infile} "
        "> {outfile}".format(**locals()))

Note how the method refers to the options through the params variable. This is necessary as the class attributes are shared between all tasks, while the params contain the options specific to a task. Using params permits setting task specific parameters for a tool in the configuration file.

A parameter called options is always defined and can be used directly. This is for generic command-line options. The example above could thus simply be:

class run_metric_count(infile, outfile, params):
    path = "wc"
    counting_method = "lines"

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):

        return P.run("{params.path} {params.options} {infile} "
        "> {outfile}".format(**locals()))

It is generally preferred to keep the number of explicit options to a minimum and rather let the user set command line options for the specific tool.

A use case where it additional options are useful is when the command line statement will take different shape depending on options. For example, a metric might offer pre-filters for computing the metric. In this case it is important to remember that tasks are functors and thus should not contain state information that is specific to a task.

Additional topics to be written:

  • specifying multi-threaded execution
  • pre-processing
  • database interface

Data upload

The function of a metric task is to run a metric on some data and output the data in well-formed, tab-separated tables. The benchmark system then takes care of uploading the data into the database. For general notes about the database and how data are organized, see Navigating results.

Standard case

The simplest metric outputs a single table into outfile. In the example above:

class run_metric_count(infile, outfile, params):
    path = "wc"
    counting_method = "lines"

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):

        return P.run("{params.path} {params.options} {infile} "
        "> {outfile}".format(**locals()))

outfile will be created in the approriate location and could look like this:

>cat tool.dir/count.dir/count.tsv
word   count
hello  1
world  1

This table on file will automatically be uploaded into a database table called count:

> SELECT * FROM count;
word   count    instance_id
hello  1        5
world  1        5

Note how the column instance_id has been added to link the results to a specific instance.

Multiple outfiles

Frequently, a metric might output multiple tables. To register these into the system, define them as separate tablenames:

class run_metric_count(infile, outfile, params):
    path = "wc"
    counting_method = "lines"

    tablenames = ["count_lines", "count_words"]

    def run(self, infile, outfile, params):

        retvals = P.run("{params.path} --count-words {params.options} {infile} "
        "> {outfile}.count_words.tsv".format(**locals()))

        retvals.extend(P.run("{params.path} --count-lines {params.options} {infile} "
        "> {outfile}.count_lines.tsv".format(**locals())))

        return retvals

Note how the names of the table (e.g. count_lines) imply the name of the ouput file (tool.dir/count.dir/count.tsv.count_lines.tsv).


If the naming convention is not followed, existing tables will not be picked up.

A missing output file is ignored. This accomodates metrics that create multiple output files of which some are optional.

Transforming data before upload

Before uploading, the Benchmark system can apply some basic table transformations. These are registered in the task function.


melt the table before uploading. This is important for metrics that output a variable number of columns, for example, if a tool outputs one column per sample. The argument is a dictionary mapping the table name to parameters in the pandas melt function. For example:

upload_melted = {
   {"id_vars": ["FORMAT"],
    "var_name": "sample",
    "value_name": "unset"},

transpose a table before uploading. The argument is a list of tables to transpose:

upload_transpose = ["count_lines"]

upload each data point into a separate table. By default and design, data from the same metric are stored in the same table. Using this option, each run will create a separate table which is the name of the metric suffixed with the instance_id. Use sparingly, as a large number of tables will clutter the database. The argument to this option is a list of tables to uload separately:

upload_separate = ["count_lines"]

normalize a column in a table. This is useful if the table contains one or more columns with categorical data. To save disk space, all the categorical data will be replaced by integer levels and the mapping between level and values will be stored in a separate table. The argument to this option is a dictionary of tables and a list of columns that should be stored as factors:

upload_normalize = {"count_words": ["word"]}

In our example, this will create an additional table count_factors. Note that factor values are only consistent within an instance, but not across instances or experiments. Multiple columns will be normalized together as a combination of values.


upload a table as a matrix. The argument is a dictionary of tables. Optionally, a group key can be specified:

upload_as_matrix = {
  "benchmark_vcf_stats_format_per_sample": "FORMAT",

This transformation assumes that the resulting data is uniform, i.e. that all columns have the same type. Uploading as a matrix is advisable for data that have data dependent labels in both rows and columns. Melting such data will result in a massively inflated data size that needs to be stored. The resulting table will contain the fields instance_id, rows, columns, data and dtype (data type), where rows and columns are , separated lists of values.

Contents of the task library

The inheritance diagram of the TaskLibrary is below:

Task library methods

This section lists modules containing tool runners and metric runners.

The task library engine

This section lists modules that are part of the task library engine