============ Usage ============ The benchmarking system is running tools and metrics and multiple input data and organising the data into a database. Each benchmark is defined by an experimental design that is described in a yaml configuration file. 1. Running a collection of tools on the same data set and comparing the output. 2. Running one tool on different data sets to gauge its performance. 3. Running one tool with different options on the same data set to optimise its performance. The benchmarking platform provides a system to run these benchmarking workflows in a systematic fashion. Its hallmarks are: 1. Benchmarks are set-up by human readable configuration files. 2. Tools and metrics are organised in a :ref:`Task Library` to provide standardised and reusable components. 3. Tasks can be executed on a cluster to run computations at scale. The workflows are controlled by a command-line interface. 4. Results of benchmarks are uploaded to a database to allow data mining and tracking of benchmark results over time. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 BenchmarkUsage.rst BenchmarkConfiguration.rst BenchmarkDatabase.rst BenchmarkReference.rst CommandReference.rst